20 September 2011

100 Days

 I graduated 100 days ago. I have run every day since then. During my streak, I put in a little over 600 miles. Thats the good part. The bad part, I'm still unemployed. With any luck, that will change soon. I still haven't decided if the streak will end tomorrow or the day after the wedding next month.

12 September 2011


I totally didn't realize I haven't posted in a month. A lot has happened since then, but a lot has not happened since then. I'm still hunting for a job. Getting a little discouraged since I've been done with school for three months and haven't had an interview yet.

Wedding planning is going well. Its getting to crunch time, only 33 days left! Like I've said before, the big stuff is done, its just little things to get finished.

August was a good month for running.

Distance: 201.4 miles
Time: 26:51:11
Pace: 8:01

I'm happy with the mileage and happy with the pace. Actually, the pace was probably a little too quick. My legs definitely enjoy the slower pace I've been running this month. So much for things that are the same. Now for the different.

We had a house fire. Kitchen fire to be specific. It was contained to the kitchen but smoke damage was spread across the entire house/attic. So, we spent a few nights with my grandparents, a week in a hotel and are now living in an apartment until the contractor finishes replacing the kitchen.

Well, time to go get ready for some wedding meetings.